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Are Rental Properties a Good Investment?

  • On June 17, 2024
The past few years have been quite a ride for the real estate investment market. Interest rates have fluctuated dramatically, rents have skyrocketed, and property values have seen significant appreciation gains, all amidst rising inflation and ongoing speculation about an impending recession. Given this roller coaster ride, it’s natural to wonder if rental properties remain […]
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How to Increase the Rent of Your Rental Property

  • On May 22, 2024
As a rental property owner in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, one of the key decisions you’ll face is when and how much to increase the rent on your investment properties. Striking the right balance between maximizing revenue and keeping good tenants can be tricky.  You want rent collection to run smoothly no matter what, so […]
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Best Time to List Your Rental Property

  • On April 29, 2024
As a rental property owner, timing is everything when it comes to marketing your available unit. List too early or too late, and you could miss out on qualified tenants or have extended vacancies that eat into your profits.  So when exactly is the best time to list your rental on the market? The answer […]
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Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Your Rental Property

  • On March 20, 2024
Dallas and Fort Worth landlords! If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve poured your heart, soul, and a decent chunk of your savings into your rental property. While you may love the detail you’ve put into perfecting your property, in all honesty, nobody wants to see those hard-earned profits gobbled up by Uncle Sam in […]
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What Are 1031 Exchanges For Your Rental Property

  • On February 28, 2024
As a landlord in the thriving real estate market of Dallas or Fort Worth, Texas, you’re likely always on the lookout for opportunities to maximize your profits and grow your investment portfolio. One strategy that can significantly benefit landlords is the 1031 exchange for rental properties. 1031 exchanges are a great way to maximize your […]
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Being a Landlord in Retirement

  • On December 29, 2023
Many retirees consider becoming landlords as a way to supplement their retirement income. Rental properties can provide a steady stream of income, but being a landlord also comes with unforeseen responsibilities and challenges. At Classic Property Management, we put our property management skills to the test to help Dallas landlords make running their rental business […]
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The Importance of a Solid Apartment Rental Lease Agreement

  • On October 5, 2023
An apartment rental lease agreement is one of the most important documents for landlords and tenants. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties and serves as the legal contract for the rental arrangement.   Having a comprehensive, clearly written lease agreement prevents misunderstandings and helps ensure a smooth landlord-tenant relationship.   However, drafting […]
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Top 8 Signs It’s Time to Invest in Property Management

  • On July 26, 2023
Owning rental property can be a great way to build wealth and passive income. But being a landlord in Dallas also comes with a lot of responsibilities. Finding tenants, collecting rent, handling maintenance and repairs; it can easily turn into a full-time job.   At some point, you may find yourself spread too thin and […]
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Most Common Reason Renters Move Out

  • On March 14, 2023
You have a brand new tenant, and they’re starting a brand new chapter in their life. But what happens when that relationship breaks? As a landlord, it’s important to keep tenants happy and ensure they have a positive experience living on your property. That means being present, engaging and taking care of the property’s needs. […]
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